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Tophat Soccer Club

Tophat World Cup Spring 2025 May 17, 2025
0900 Parade of Countries All Players and Coaches Spectators Invited Support Your Team
TH-15 Schedule (U-10 7v7)
TH-15 Field # 3a TH-15 Field # 3b TH-15 Field # 3c TH-15 Field # 3d
0930-1020 1 vs 4 5 vs 8 2 vs 3 6 vs 7
1020-1110 5 vs 1 8 vs 4 6 vs 2 7 vs 3
1110-1200 1 vs 8 4 vs 5 2 vs 7 3 vs 6
1200-1230 Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
1230-1320 Semi -final Ist A vs 2nd B 1st B vs 2nd A 3rd A vs 4th B 3rd B vs 4th A
1320-1410 Final Winner vs Winner 2nd vs 2nd Winner vs Winner 2nd vs 2nd
1410-1440 Awards Ceremony
TH-15 Club Group A TH-15 Club Group B
England (1) White Germany (2) Green
Italy (4) Red Australia (3)Navy
Greece (5) Royal Argentina (6)Lt Blue
Netherlands (8) Orange Jamaica (7)Gold
TH-14 Schedule (U-11 9v9)
TH-14 Field # 1a TH-14 Field # 1b TH-14 Field # 1c
0930-1030 2 vs 5 3 vs 6 1 vs 4
1030-1130 1 vs 6 4 vs 5 2 vs 3
1130-1230 3 vs 4 2 vs 6 1 vs 5
1230-1300 Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
1300-1400 Final 3rd A vs 3rd B 1st A vs 1st B 2nd A vs 2nd B
1400-1430 Awards Ceremony
TH-14 Club Group A TH-14 Club Group B
Brazil (1)Gold Morocco (2) Red
Japan (4) White Scotland (3) Royal
Norway (5) Navy Ireland (6) Green
TH-13 Schedule (U-12 9v9)
TH-13 Field # 2a TH-13 Field # 2b
0930-1030 1 vs 2 3 vs 4
1030-1130 2 vs 4 1 vs 3
1130-1230 3 vs 2 1 vs 4
1230-1300 Lunch Break Lunch Break
1300-1400 Final 1st vs 2nd 3rd vs 4th
1400-1430 Awards Ceremony
TH-13 Club Group
Panama (1) White
Mexico (2) Green
Spain (3) Red
France (4) Royal
Scoring - Win - 6 points
Tie - 2 points
Lose - 0 points
Each goal - 1 point up to three
Tie breaker - 1. Goal differential up to 3 (goals for minus goals against)
2. Goals against
3. Penalty shots
U-10 18 minute halves
U-11/12 22 minute halves
No overtime before shootout